I did the Uniontown to Creston Populaire route again last night. Ever have one of those days where you just can't get excited or motivated to workout? That's what I was going through yesterday. I've been dealing with bronchitis, torn up feet, and a couple other minor injuries. Forecast.......82! 20-25 mph sustained from the South with a decent chance of a thunderstorm in the evening. I quickly got my riding clothes on and got out the
door before making an excuse and not getting the ride in.
I hit up the Rite Aid in Uniontown and filled up my bottles with water. I would describe the ride to the first control as mainly windy! I was unable to get any shelter from the wind. It was relentless.
Yours truly fighting back the pukies!
The ducks and fishermen were out in abundance on Nimisila Reservoir.
During my entire ride, I saw two other riders. I guess the wind and chance for thunderstorms scared everyone off. The grass is turning green again and trees starting to bud.
The route goes through a small community called Rittman. There really isn't much there except the bike path, a drive thru, and the Morton Salt Company.
Within a couple miles of getting to Creston (the turnaround point), I heard a train coming so it was go time. Sprint to the tracks and beat the train!
This is what Creston looks like. There are about six small buildings and a gas station. I really hate Subway, but I was feeling quite ill and not feeling up to par. I gobbled down a chicken salad like a ravenous zombie stricken the desire to eat more brains.
I wasn't quite sure if I could even make it back. But I thought to myself "this is another fine mess I've gotten myself into". Wifey wouldn't be to happy coming out, so I had better start pedaling. Mental note for the future: when rushing out the door and knowing you will be riding in the night - pack the clear lenses for the glasses. Doh!
Sunset over Nimisila. By the time I got home it was 9:00. It wasn't an impressive performance by any stretch of the imagination, but the ride got done...........and on some days, that's all that matters.
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